Archive for the ‘Mash-ups’ Category

The Coens; Abridged

September 15, 2010

Mash-ups are one of my favorite creative endeavors delightfully brought into existence as a byproduct of the ADD-laden Youtube age. Usually they are entertaining, hilarious and sometimes layered with creative enlightenment. Youtube maestro Barringer82 has single-handedly justified the site’s existence (him and the countless videos of animals creating funny/cute/gross  situations).

In the following clip you will see a Coen Brothers tribute of sorts completely made up of shots and scenes and music from their movies. It is all edited seamlessly creating a narrative in its own right. Not an easy task.

He makes me want to be a better man or an editor.


Scott Pilgrim Vs. Nickelodeon

August 27, 2010

Scott Pilgrim was a great time at the movies. Being an aspiring snob I usually don’t attend movies where I have much fun. So, it was a pleasant surprise to have my thirst for fun clever film quenched by Mr. Wright‘s latest cinematic foray. But after watching this clip I’m not so sure how I feel. It’s clear that some plagiarism of Avatar: The Last Airbender has occurred. Nickelodeon should fight Universal resulting in someone’s head mashed up exploding coins into the chilly Toronto air.

A Daft Encounter

August 16, 2010

I know I haven’t watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind in a really long time but I remember the final act quite differently. Maybe this is one of those cases when a powerful director “modernizes” the film by digitally inserting CGI and special effects. I hate when they do that.


What’s the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils?

August 13, 2010


Never before seen footage dug up from the Skywalker ranch! These clips show that George Lucas was on the right track when he cast a relatively unknown Austrian bodybuilder as the super-villain in his silly sci-fi wester, Star Wars. Mr Schwarzenegger brought his seat-of-his-pants no-nonsense Eastern European virility to the role. After studio pressure to recast the part to someone decipherable Lucas buckled and went for the well read  James Earl Jones. Had Georgie stuck to his lasers Star Wars may have left a long-lasting macho legacy instead of wandering in commercially inviable oblivion.

Via /film

What’s the Most Bodacious Parasite?

July 30, 2010


I heart mash-ups that skew your perspective on how to ingest a movie. This clip juxtaposes two very good movies that you would’ve never thought could coexist on the same plane. Upon further examination their similarities are kind of obvious. Both have high concept plots, dazzling imagery and characters with a beard. Never has the phrase “Why would we lie to ourselves?” carried more emotional catharsis. Please enjoy.

via FilmDrunk